She made a hungry, eager sound, parted her lips and took the tip of his cock in her moth. Belatedly her mind caught up with what she had done.Um, maybe she should have asked first. If somebody had grabbed her crotch and helped himself without so much as checking in with the rest of her, you can bet your ass she would react with a strategically aimed knee to the privates.Just because he had an erection didn’t mean he was willing or prepared to act on it….Her face flooded with heat. Pulling back, she muttered, “Sorry.”Incredulity sharpened his gaze, “You’re sorry?”Her shoulders crept up to her ears. “I just grabbed hold and started sucking. Then I thought maybe I should have asked first.”Amusement bolted over his hard features, completely banishing his moody isolation.Then, sobering — or at least appearing to — he said, “Melly, please suck me off. Fasten your sexy mouth around my cock and pull on me until I don’t have anything left to give. My God, just looking at the erotic shape of your lips makes me want to spill all over your gorgeous face.

She made a hungry, eager sound, parted her lips and took the tip of his cock in her moth. Belatedly her mind caught up with what she had done.Um, maybe she should have asked first. If somebody had grabbed her crotch and helped himself without so much as checking in with the rest of her, you can bet your ass she would react with a strategically aimed knee to the privates.Just because he had an erection didn’t mean he was willing or prepared to act on it….Her face flooded with heat. Pulling back, she muttered, “Sorry.”Incredulity sharpened his gaze, “You’re sorry?”Her shoulders crept up to her ears. “I just grabbed hold and started sucking. Then I thought maybe I should have asked first.”Amusement bolted over his hard features, completely banishing his moody isolation.Then, sobering — or at least appearing to — he said, “Melly, please suck me off. Fasten your sexy mouth around my cock and pull on me until I don’t have anything left to give. My God, just looking at the erotic shape of your lips makes me want to spill all over your gorgeous face.