Shame on the misguided, the blinded, the distracted and the divided. Shame. You have allowed deceptive men to corrupt and desensitize your hearts and minds to unethically fuel their greed.
About The Quote
- Apathetic
- Apathy
- Big Business
- Blid
- Blind
- Blood
- Business
- Compassionate
- Corrupt
- Corrupt Men
- Corruption
- Corruption Politics
- Dark Amitions
- Decieve
- Desensitization
- Desensitize
- Desensitized
- Devil
- Distracted
- Distractions
- Distration
- Distrust
- Divide
- Divided
- Division
- Elite
- Empathy
- Ethical
- Ethics
- Evil
- Evil Thoughts
- False Leaders
- Free Your Mind
- Fuel
- Greed
- Greedy
- Hearts
- Human
- Human Condition
- Humanism
- Humanity
- Lies
- Lost
- Lost Humanity
- Media
- Mind
- Misguide
- Mislead
- Peace
- Politicians
- Politics
- Pollute
- Power
- Sensitivity
- Shame
- Stray
- Trust
- Truth
- Unethical
- Unethically
- United
- Unity
- War
- Wealth