Ohlen stood and walked around the clearing, examining the ground as he went. “I see only one set of tracks…” his voice trailed off as he knelt, inspecting the footprints more closely. “I’ve seen these before. This is the cru’gan.”Ahmahn came over and bent down beside his friend. “Him? Do you mean the scarred one that has Mirra?””Either that or a ferocious rabbit wearing cru’gan boots,” Ohlen said sardonically.

Ohlen stood and walked around the clearing, examining the ground as he went. “I see only one set of tracks…” his voice trailed off as he knelt, inspecting the footprints more closely. “I’ve seen these before. This is the cru’gan.”Ahmahn came over and bent down beside his friend. “Him? Do you mean the scarred one that has Mirra?””Either that or a ferocious rabbit wearing cru’gan boots,” Ohlen said sardonically.