I would respect feminist who said “Single moms, are you kidding me? Stop taking government benefits because, the government is the patriarchy. So, you are taking things from the patriarchy so you dont have to be responsible. Any woman who takes money from the government using cops who usually extract it from men by force is not a feminist. Is a exceedingly bad bride of the state.” I would admire that but, of course feminism doesn’t have anything to do with any of that stuff.Look, it’s fine. Have your fun. Make fun of men. Go for it. Yea, we’re all idiots, we’re all selfish, greedy bastards. Ok, it’s fine because the government is going to run out of money soon and then all these woman are going to try to find some guy to latch onto when the benefits stop flowing and I mean, you saw this happening with the soviet union. “Now we need you! You guys are great! We missed you so much! Give me some money!”It’s just a bunch of noise from a bunch of people who are stealing from the productive.

I would respect feminist who said “Single moms, are you kidding me? Stop taking government benefits because, the government is the patriarchy. So, you are taking things from the patriarchy so you dont have to be responsible. Any woman who takes money from the government using cops who usually extract it from men by force is not a feminist. Is a exceedingly bad bride of the state.” I would admire that but, of course feminism doesn’t have anything to do with any of that stuff.Look, it’s fine. Have your fun. Make fun of men. Go for it. Yea, we’re all idiots, we’re all selfish, greedy bastards. Ok, it’s fine because the government is going to run out of money soon and then all these woman are going to try to find some guy to latch onto when the benefits stop flowing and I mean, you saw this happening with the soviet union. “Now we need you! You guys are great! We missed you so much! Give me some money!”It’s just a bunch of noise from a bunch of people who are stealing from the productive.