Never in a million years would he have imagined her to look at him like that – eyelids batting of their own volition and her lips puckering in expectation as she leaned slightly forward. Yet here she was doing precisely that – it was much too comical to stop the smile crossing his face.And that was when she hit him.It wasn’t a faint slap on the cheek. No, Alexandra put all her weight behind the right hook that landed squarely across his jaw, throwing him completely off balance.Damnation!

Never in a million years would he have imagined her to look at him like that – eyelids batting of their own volition and her lips puckering in expectation as she leaned slightly forward. Yet here she was doing precisely that – it was much too comical to stop the smile crossing his face.And that was when she hit him.It wasn’t a faint slap on the cheek. No, Alexandra put all her weight behind the right hook that landed squarely across his jaw, throwing him completely off balance.Damnation!