I always am in a role, lovely – for you, for them – even for myself. Yeah… Even when I’m alone, I am still in a role – and I myself am the most exacting audience I have ever had.
About The Quote
- Acting
- Actor
- Actress
- Alone
- Always
- Audience
- Control
- Demand
- Demanding
- Drama
- Dramatic
- Emotion
- Emotional
- Emotionless
- Exact
- Exacting
- Fake
- Feel
- Feelings
- Feelless
- Forbid
- Forbidden
- Goth
- Gothic
- Gothic Romance
- Hide
- Hiding
- Lonely
- Mask
- Masks
- Play
- Postmodern
- Postmodernism
- Pretend
- Pretending
- Romance
- Romantic
- Self Image
- Stern
- Strength
- Strong
- Suspense
- Theater
- Theatre
- Weak
- Weakness
- Young Adult
- Young Adult Gothic Romance