You can’t always expect people to apply your wisdom when they didn’t use wisdom before they found themselves knee deep in their version of justice.
About The Quote
- Actions
- Anxiety
- Arrogance
- Bad Choices
- Best Friends
- Bias
- Blind
- Blindsighted
- Bullying
- Choices
- Commonsense
- Consequences
- Consequences Of Cruelty
- Consequences Of Desire
- Consequences Of Evil
- Coverups
- Cruelty
- Cyberbullying
- Enviousness
- Envy
- Faith
- Faithless In God
- False
- False Intentions
- Fear
- Forgiveness
- Friends
- Games
- Heartless
- Ignorance
- Injustice
- Insecurity
- Intentions
- Jealousy
- Justice
- Justified
- Justified Assumptions
- Knowledge
- Liars
- Lies
- Lies We Tell Ourselves
- Logic
- Logical
- Logical Thinking
- Lust
- Lustful
- Neighbors
- Pain
- Paybacks
- Repentance
- Revelation
- Revenge
- Revengeful
- Rumors
- Sin
- Sinners
- Smoke Screens
- Speculation
- Stalkers
- Stereotypes
- Strangers
- Stupidity
- Uneducated
- Uneducated Mind
- Unjustified
- Unwise Friends
- Unwise Men
- Unwise People
- Victims Of Abuse
- Victims Of War
- Wisdom