A world full of “certainties”All the plans, all the vanities.Where black covers the whiteSuited in “confidence”- the constant fight.A million roads I dream to takeOne destination, knowing not I turn where.A green veil covers for two years, some two decades.But the “plan” awaits, new roads to make.I pant, I struggle, I do my best While they say,”You are, dear, but so inadequate”.
About The Quote
- Ambitions
- Ambitious
- Arrogance
- Aspirations
- Best
- Black
- Black Suit
- Campus Life
- Certain
- Certainty
- College Life
- Confidence
- Confidence Vs Arrogance
- Corporate
- Corporate Life
- Demons
- Diffidence
- Dream Company
- Dream Job
- Dreams
- Education
- Expectations
- Fight
- Firms
- Group Discussions
- Inadequate
- Inner Fight
- Interviews
- Job Life
- Lies
- Life
- Mba
- Not Enough
- Not Good Enough
- People
- Planning
- Plans
- Pride
- Process
- Protect
- Protection
- Realities
- School
- Society
- Start Up
- Struggle
- Suit Up
- Suited Up
- Uncertain
- Uncertainty
- Unplanned
- White
- Work Life Balance