As her feet beat the concrete ground beneath them, her chest began to ache. It had been a long time since she had run at a full sprint. She was, quite literally, running for her life, and leaving everything she had known before behind. Regardless of her past experiences, here she was, blindly following a girl, who was virtually a stranger, because she had promised to lead Eleanor to safety.
About The Quote
- 7
- Agency
- Ailee
- Anne
- Ara
- Arrant
- Blear
- Bray
- Bretta
- Brielle
- Cady
- Caligiuri
- Cave
- Consciousness
- Constance
- Creel
- Dalt
- Davina
- Defected
- Deryn
- Dr
- Dream
- Dreaming
- Dreams
- Edmonds
- Evelyn
- Fallow
- Grace
- Grane
- Jack
- Jejung
- Kieran
- Lace
- Layla
- Lily
- Lucas
- Machine
- Malaphin
- Memories
- Mentality
- Metaphysical
- Mind
- Nora
- Obsidia
- Otto
- Outsiders
- Phoenix
- Program
- Rebellion
- Rebels
- Rising
- Romance
- Ross
- Science Fiction
- Secora
- Seven
- Shades
- Shadows
- Sirt
- Sonant
- Stellan
- Subconscious
- Sun
- Thoughts
- Time
- Traxton
- Trim
- Tusk
- Vera
- Visionary
- Will
- Willow