Whatever actually happened or was said, McChystal’s refusal to defend himself – to give me any ammunition to use on his behalf – made it impossible for me to save his job. But to this day, I believe he was given the bum’s rush by Biden, White House staff, and NSS who harbored deep resentment toward his unyielding advocacy the previous fall of counterinsurgency and a huge troop surge in Afghanistan; who interpreted his public comments back than as “boxing in” the president; and who continued to oppose the strategy approved by the president and the way McChrystal was implementing it. I am convinced the “Rolling Stone” article gave the president, egged on by those around him in the White House, and himself distrustful of the senior military, and opportunity he welcomed to demonstrate vividly – to the public and to the Pentagon – that he was commander in chief and fully in control of the military.

Whatever actually happened or was said, McChystal’s refusal to defend himself – to give me any ammunition to use on his behalf – made it impossible for me to save his job. But to this day, I believe he was given the bum’s rush by Biden, White House staff, and NSS who harbored deep resentment toward his unyielding advocacy the previous fall of counterinsurgency and a huge troop surge in Afghanistan; who interpreted his public comments back than as “boxing in” the president; and who continued to oppose the strategy approved by the president and the way McChrystal was implementing it. I am convinced the “Rolling Stone” article gave the president, egged on by those around him in the White House, and himself distrustful of the senior military, and opportunity he welcomed to demonstrate vividly – to the public and to the Pentagon – that he was commander in chief and fully in control of the military.