Life is not perfectIt’s a place of pain,a place of shame,a place of danger,and maybe a place of joy,No, life is not perfect,And it doesn’t matter what aspect.Some times it’s a sunset and a sunrise,Or the blue skies,Or a prize in disguise,But sometimes it’s also sour,A wail and a roar,With no one to implore,Life is a testIt throws problems at usAnd waits for us to crumble,under the distress,And looks as we struggle,And gathers the pieces that are left,But if we look at it differently,We can carry on brilliantly,It’s just a matter of will power,And being courageous,A matter of refusing to be a coward,and facing what is dangerous,Life doesn’t throw problems at us,to see us lose hope,No, it expects us to become strong,It doesn’t expect us to mopeOr mourn,Life is like a teacher,It teaches a lesson,That whatever the situation,Life must go onTime won’t stop,And wait for you to gain hopeNo, it’ll carry on,And let you mope,Time can’t be reversed,No amount of crying will change the situation,So stop thinking that your life is cursed,Because life must go on…

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