What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls a butterfly.” —Richard David BachThe caterpillar believes it is dying because it’s being sealed in a tomb. The Master knows that the caterpillar is not dying, and is simply transitioning (to something more). This points out that things are never over, that change is carrying us, (so often kicking and screaming), to higher states of being.I find it interesting that the caterpillar spends it’s caterpillar existence crawling, (on a lone weed in the midst of an endless beautiful forest), surviving on bitter, poisonous leaves. Yet resists the changes to come.After the caterpillars “death”… And upon the butterflie’s rebirth… The butterfly lives out it’s butterfly existence experiencing all of the forest’s wonders, being carried by the wind, landing on beauty, and drinking sweet nectar, all the while, being shielded from harm by the caterpillar’s bitter and poisonous experiences of eating the weeds.Without the struggles of the caterpillar, the butterfly could never be.It is Truly wonderful how something as simple as caterpillars and butterflies can be such amazing reminders sent to us by a Loving Eternal Creator.

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls a butterfly.” —Richard David BachThe caterpillar believes it is dying because it’s being sealed in a tomb. The Master knows that the caterpillar is not dying, and is simply transitioning (to something more). This points out that things are never over, that change is carrying us, (so often kicking and screaming), to higher states of being.I find it interesting that the caterpillar spends it’s caterpillar existence crawling, (on a lone weed in the midst of an endless beautiful forest), surviving on bitter, poisonous leaves. Yet resists the changes to come.After the caterpillars “death”… And upon the butterflie’s rebirth… The butterfly lives out it’s butterfly existence experiencing all of the forest’s wonders, being carried by the wind, landing on beauty, and drinking sweet nectar, all the while, being shielded from harm by the caterpillar’s bitter and poisonous experiences of eating the weeds.Without the struggles of the caterpillar, the butterfly could never be.It is Truly wonderful how something as simple as caterpillars and butterflies can be such amazing reminders sent to us by a Loving Eternal Creator.