Of course, if we do find the Great Glom, we will see other gloms as well,” said Dottia. “I mean, he will not exist alone, will he? Mythic creatures like him are often spoken of as if they did exist alone, and they were born unique, hatched from a singular egg, out of nowhere, with no parents, mate or offspring. He will have a female glom as his wife, his own glom children, and an entire race of gloms as his subjects.” “Certainly, he will, I agree,” said Klubbe.

Of course, if we do find the Great Glom, we will see other gloms as well,” said Dottia. “I mean, he will not exist alone, will he? Mythic creatures like him are often spoken of as if they did exist alone, and they were born unique, hatched from a singular egg, out of nowhere, with no parents, mate or offspring. He will have a female glom as his wife, his own glom children, and an entire race of gloms as his subjects.” “Certainly, he will, I agree,” said Klubbe.