America isn’t breaking apart at the seams. The American dream isn’t dying. Our new racial and ethnic complexion hasn’t triggered massive outbreaks of intolerance. Our generations aren’t at each other’s throats. They’re living more interdependently than at any time in recent memory, because that turns out to be a good coping strategy in hard times. Our nation faces huge challenges, no doubt. So do the rest of the world’s aging economic powers. If you had to pick a nation with the right stuff to ride out the coming demographic storm, you’d be crazy not to choose America, warts and all.
About The Quote
- Ageism
- Aging
- Aging Population
- Aging Workforce
- American Culture
- American Dream
- American Politics
- American Population
- Conflict
- Demograghic Shifts
- Demographics
- Demographics Of United States
- Demographics Of Us
- Economics
- Gemographic Shift
- Generation Gap
- Generations
- Interdependence
- Population
- Problems Of Today
- Public Policy
- Race And Racism In America
- Race In America
- Race Relations
- Recession
- The American Dream
- U S Culture
- U S Politics
- U S Population
- Workforce