Stephen nodded. ‘Tell me,’ he said, in a low voice, some moments later. ‘Were I under naval discipline, could that fellow have me whipped?’He nodded towards Mr Marshall. ‘The master?’ cried Jack, with inexpressible amazement. ‘Yes,’ said Stephen looking attentively at him, with his head slightly inclined to the left. ‘But he is the master…’ said Jack. If Stephen had called the sophies stem her stern, or her truck her keel, he would have understood the situation directly; but that Stephen should confuse the chain of command, the relative status of a captain and a master, of a commissioned officer and a warrant officer, so subverted the natural order, so undermined the sempiternal universe, that for a moment his mind could hardly encompass it. Yet Jack, though no great scholar, no judge of a hexameter, was tolerably quick, and after gasping no more than twice he said, ‘My dear sir, I beleive you have been lead astray by the words master and master and commander- illogical terms, I must confess. The first is subordinate to the second. You must allow me to explain our naval ranks some time. But in any case you will never be flogged- no, no; you shall not be flogged,’ he added, gazing with pure affection, and with something like awe, at so magnificent a prodigy, at an ignorance so very far beyond anything that even his wide-ranging mind had yet conceived.

Stephen nodded. ‘Tell me,’ he said, in a low voice, some moments later. ‘Were I under naval discipline, could that fellow have me whipped?’He nodded towards Mr Marshall. ‘The master?’ cried Jack, with inexpressible amazement. ‘Yes,’ said Stephen looking attentively at him, with his head slightly inclined to the left. ‘But he is the master…’ said Jack. If Stephen had called the sophies stem her stern, or her truck her keel, he would have understood the situation directly; but that Stephen should confuse the chain of command, the relative status of a captain and a master, of a commissioned officer and a warrant officer, so subverted the natural order, so undermined the sempiternal universe, that for a moment his mind could hardly encompass it. Yet Jack, though no great scholar, no judge of a hexameter, was tolerably quick, and after gasping no more than twice he said, ‘My dear sir, I beleive you have been lead astray by the words master and master and commander- illogical terms, I must confess. The first is subordinate to the second. You must allow me to explain our naval ranks some time. But in any case you will never be flogged- no, no; you shall not be flogged,’ he added, gazing with pure affection, and with something like awe, at so magnificent a prodigy, at an ignorance so very far beyond anything that even his wide-ranging mind had yet conceived.