A selection of quotes from The Night of Harrison Monk’s Death (Jane Hetherington’s Adventures in Detection: 1)”Is this one of the more unusual cases of safe-breaking you’ve been asked to investigate, Mrs Hetherington?””Remember your private detective wants to be able to sleep soundly at night and in their own bed, not one supplied as her Majesty’s pleasure.””It seems to be an open and shut case doesn’t it? But it’s not you know? How do you know if anything is what it seems?””But where is Cheung kin?””When I first set eyes on your father, he was spying on a man from between two volumes of the Encyclopaedia Britannica.””I don’t think I need say more.” “On the contrary, if you want me to have any idea what you’re talking about, I think you do.””Why don’t you report it to the police?” “Because I stole it in the first place didn’t I?””It’s something of a mystery, I admit.””Vanished into thin air!””You sound so sensible Mrs Hetherington. Please help us get to the bottom of this.”Ah, thought Jane – the old story.”No body was found?””Shall I put the kettle on?” “Only if you fill it with whiskey.””The course of true love didn’t run smoothly for me either, you know.””Life has its tragedies for sure.””… What do I want? I want money that’s what I want. I want money.”She was even more horrified by the words she heard next.Callum MacCallum knew what it was like to be an outsider.

A selection of quotes from The Night of Harrison Monk’s Death (Jane Hetherington’s Adventures in Detection: 1)”Is this one of the more unusual cases of safe-breaking you’ve been asked to investigate, Mrs Hetherington?””Remember your private detective wants to be able to sleep soundly at night and in their own bed, not one supplied as her Majesty’s pleasure.””It seems to be an open and shut case doesn’t it? But it’s not you know? How do you know if anything is what it seems?””But where is Cheung kin?””When I first set eyes on your father, he was spying on a man from between two volumes of the Encyclopaedia Britannica.””I don’t think I need say more.” “On the contrary, if you want me to have any idea what you’re talking about, I think you do.””Why don’t you report it to the police?” “Because I stole it in the first place didn’t I?””It’s something of a mystery, I admit.””Vanished into thin air!””You sound so sensible Mrs Hetherington. Please help us get to the bottom of this.”Ah, thought Jane – the old story.”No body was found?””Shall I put the kettle on?” “Only if you fill it with whiskey.””The course of true love didn’t run smoothly for me either, you know.””Life has its tragedies for sure.””… What do I want? I want money that’s what I want. I want money.”She was even more horrified by the words she heard next.Callum MacCallum knew what it was like to be an outsider.