Sir, you do understand that – officially – I’m not actually a centurion. I haven’t even been assigned to a legion yet.’tThe general continued writing as he spoke. ‘What was the name?’t’Corbulo, sir.’t’Corbulo, you have an officer’s tunic and an officer’s helmet; and you completed full officer training did you not?’tCassius nodded. He could easily recall every accursed test and drill. Though he’d excelled in the cerebral disciplines and somehow survived the endless marches and swims, he had rated poorly with sword in hand and had been repeatedly described as “lacking natural leadership ability.” The academy’s senior centurion had seemed quite relieved when the letter from the Service arrived. t ‘I did, sir, but it was felt I would be more suited to intelligence work than the legions, I really would prefer -‘ t’And you did take an oath? To Rome, the Army and the Emperor?’t’I did, sir, and of course I am happy to serve but -‘tThe General finished the orders. He rolled the sheet up roughly and handed it to Cassius. t’Dismissed.’t’Yes, sir. Sorry, sir. I just have one final question.’tThe General was on his way back to his chair. He turned around and fixed Cassius with an impatient stare. t’Sir – how should I present myself to the troops? In terms of rank I mean.’ t’They will assume you are a centurion, and I can see no practical reason whatsoever to disabuse them of that view.

Sir, you do understand that – officially – I’m not actually a centurion. I haven’t even been assigned to a legion yet.’tThe general continued writing as he spoke. ‘What was the name?’t’Corbulo, sir.’t’Corbulo, you have an officer’s tunic and an officer’s helmet; and you completed full officer training did you not?’tCassius nodded. He could easily recall every accursed test and drill. Though he’d excelled in the cerebral disciplines and somehow survived the endless marches and swims, he had rated poorly with sword in hand and had been repeatedly described as “lacking natural leadership ability.” The academy’s senior centurion had seemed quite relieved when the letter from the Service arrived. t ‘I did, sir, but it was felt I would be more suited to intelligence work than the legions, I really would prefer -‘ t’And you did take an oath? To Rome, the Army and the Emperor?’t’I did, sir, and of course I am happy to serve but -‘tThe General finished the orders. He rolled the sheet up roughly and handed it to Cassius. t’Dismissed.’t’Yes, sir. Sorry, sir. I just have one final question.’tThe General was on his way back to his chair. He turned around and fixed Cassius with an impatient stare. t’Sir – how should I present myself to the troops? In terms of rank I mean.’ t’They will assume you are a centurion, and I can see no practical reason whatsoever to disabuse them of that view.