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>;-P - Quote by Moran"
target="_blank" data-pin-do="buttonPin" data-pin-custom="true" data-pin-media=""
data-pin-description="As the new love-chemicals rushed through me (...) I discovered what love is, and found that it's just feeling very... interested. (...) I was interested in absolutely everything to do with Buck. Just looking at his face was interesting. How he stood, near a door = interesting." => >;-P - Quote by Moran"
>;-P - Quote by Moran" title="As the new love-chemicals rushed through me (...) I discovered what love is, and found that it's just feeling very... interested. (...) I was interested in absolutely everything to do with Buck. Just looking at his face was interesting. How he stood, near a door = interesting." => >;-P - Quote by Moran" id="quote-image">

As the new love-chemicals rushed through me (…) I discovered what love is, and found that it’s just feeling very… interested. (…) I was interested in absolutely everything to do with Buck. Just looking at his face was interesting. How he stood, near a door = interesting.” => >;-P