My childhood dream came true, but now I have a new one. I dream that some of these young people, while they’re out there clicking around, maybe they’ll find out about this book and find a way to get their hands on it – and when they do, they’ll know that even if you’re a skinny kid from Long Island who’s scared of heights, if you dream of walking among the stars you can do it. They’ll know that finding a purpose, being dedicated to the service of others and to a calling higher than yourself, that is what’s truly important in life. They’ll be able to close their eyes and imagine what it’s like in space, and when they open them again, they’ll look up at the sun and the moon and the Milky Way and see them with the sense of awe and wonder that they deserve.And those young boys and girls, whatever their space dream is, they’ll go for it. Whatever hurdles are in their way, they’ll get past them. When they fall down, they’ll get back up. They’ll keep going and going, working harder and harder and running faster and faster until one day, before they know it, they’ll find themselves flying through the air. The hand of a giant science fiction monster will reach down and grab them by the chest and hurl them up and up and up, out to the furthest limits of the human imagination, where they’ll take the next giant leap of the greatest adventure mankind has ever known.

My childhood dream came true, but now I have a new one. I dream that some of these young people, while they’re out there clicking around, maybe they’ll find out about this book and find a way to get their hands on it – and when they do, they’ll know that even if you’re a skinny kid from Long Island who’s scared of heights, if you dream of walking among the stars you can do it. They’ll know that finding a purpose, being dedicated to the service of others and to a calling higher than yourself, that is what’s truly important in life. They’ll be able to close their eyes and imagine what it’s like in space, and when they open them again, they’ll look up at the sun and the moon and the Milky Way and see them with the sense of awe and wonder that they deserve.And those young boys and girls, whatever their space dream is, they’ll go for it. Whatever hurdles are in their way, they’ll get past them. When they fall down, they’ll get back up. They’ll keep going and going, working harder and harder and running faster and faster until one day, before they know it, they’ll find themselves flying through the air. The hand of a giant science fiction monster will reach down and grab them by the chest and hurl them up and up and up, out to the furthest limits of the human imagination, where they’ll take the next giant leap of the greatest adventure mankind has ever known.