Don’t be carried away by beauty, for the faeces also stays in the rectum of ravishing faces, and their private life is not beautiful as their public life…fear beauty!
About The Quote
- Absorbed
- Arrogance
- Arrogant
- Attitude
- Beauty
- Biological
- Conclusion
- Decay
- Deficiency
- Dirty
- Disease
- Engrossed
- Fact
- Fear
- Fear Beauty
- Flaw
- Futile
- Futility
- Girls
- Hate
- Human Nature
- Infatuation
- Intestine
- Life
- Loophole
- Malapropism
- Michael Bassey Johnson
- Nature
- Prejudice
- Pride
- Private Life
- Proud
- Public
- Rag
- Ravish
- Ravishing
- Rush
- Science
- Truth
- Unwanted
- Vanity
- Woman
- Women
- Worthless