As we lifted off, China growing ever more distant from the window-seat, the endless ocean opening up before us, I was torn between the excitement of something new and leaving that which I’d grown to love. In that moment, I understood we may never come back; that we were floating there suspended between two worlds, above the world. There was no logic in where we would go from here, nor any limitation. We had each other, and we knew now of what adaptation we were capable. Their faces flashed through my mind, and I wondered if we’d ever find a country like that again, or if we’d ever be as open with new friends, knowing now what it was like to leave them. Like a first love lost. I hoped we’d have the courage to love Germany so that the day we’d leave our hearts would also break. For what is life except that kind of attachment? And isn’t it true that one can live in a place all their life, surrounded by comfort and familiarity, and never feel this longing? As the last view of China slipped off the horizon, I promised myself that I would always dare to love, squeezing Patrick’s hand, and seeing that in our love for each other, we’d always have the strength to let go.

As we lifted off, China growing ever more distant from the window-seat, the endless ocean opening up before us, I was torn between the excitement of something new and leaving that which I’d grown to love. In that moment, I understood we may never come back; that we were floating there suspended between two worlds, above the world. There was no logic in where we would go from here, nor any limitation. We had each other, and we knew now of what adaptation we were capable. Their faces flashed through my mind, and I wondered if we’d ever find a country like that again, or if we’d ever be as open with new friends, knowing now what it was like to leave them. Like a first love lost. I hoped we’d have the courage to love Germany so that the day we’d leave our hearts would also break. For what is life except that kind of attachment? And isn’t it true that one can live in a place all their life, surrounded by comfort and familiarity, and never feel this longing? As the last view of China slipped off the horizon, I promised myself that I would always dare to love, squeezing Patrick’s hand, and seeing that in our love for each other, we’d always have the strength to let go.