If I learned anything about her it was that she lived with a vehemence most of us never have the courage for.” Banks tells me. “But there was something about her that precluded an ordinary existence. In some ways, I’m not surprised she’s dead. A job, husband, kids, a beach house? That wasn’t her. I can’t explain why, except she was more like a force that whipped through life, defying logic, scaring you, even hurting you because she was everything you wanted to be, but you knew you’d never have the guts – and then she was gone. That was my experience with Ashley Cordova.

If I learned anything about her it was that she lived with a vehemence most of us never have the courage for.” Banks tells me. “But there was something about her that precluded an ordinary existence. In some ways, I’m not surprised she’s dead. A job, husband, kids, a beach house? That wasn’t her. I can’t explain why, except she was more like a force that whipped through life, defying logic, scaring you, even hurting you because she was everything you wanted to be, but you knew you’d never have the guts – and then she was gone. That was my experience with Ashley Cordova.