You deserve someone so much better.””You will find someone better so soon that you wont even know.””I told you, he/she wasn’t good enough for you.””Oh c’mon! He/she wasn’t the ONE for you.””Things will soon be fine. It’s just a phase.””He/she will never find anyone better than you. Let him/her rot in hell.”Gradually, you realize that all these are STANDARD statements that everybody makes to everyone. Because they don’t have anything else to say.But, only your heart knows what you actually want to hear is something else. Entirely different.How you actually want and need to be handled is different. But, you don’t say. Because you are scared to lose what’s now left with you, and that’s completely fine. To be protective of what’s left. Because you can’t bring back the dead!However, you also realize, that out of all these people there was only one who had the courage to show you a mirror and not be shattered by your wrath.You realize that there was only one set of arms, that were your sanctuary even though you twisted them in an outburst of anger.Not suddenly, but really slowly it settles within you, that it was only one person who knew you inside out and had the bravery to handle you at your worst.Even more slowly it settles you let that person drift away when you wanted them to run back to you and hold onto you.And so you are left with people telling you, “life moves on” and no one telling you, “Let’s just pause it here!

You deserve someone so much better.””You will find someone better so soon that you wont even know.””I told you, he/she wasn’t good enough for you.””Oh c’mon! He/she wasn’t the ONE for you.””Things will soon be fine. It’s just a phase.””He/she will never find anyone better than you. Let him/her rot in hell.”Gradually, you realize that all these are STANDARD statements that everybody makes to everyone. Because they don’t have anything else to say.But, only your heart knows what you actually want to hear is something else. Entirely different.How you actually want and need to be handled is different. But, you don’t say. Because you are scared to lose what’s now left with you, and that’s completely fine. To be protective of what’s left. Because you can’t bring back the dead!However, you also realize, that out of all these people there was only one who had the courage to show you a mirror and not be shattered by your wrath.You realize that there was only one set of arms, that were your sanctuary even though you twisted them in an outburst of anger.Not suddenly, but really slowly it settles within you, that it was only one person who knew you inside out and had the bravery to handle you at your worst.Even more slowly it settles you let that person drift away when you wanted them to run back to you and hold onto you.And so you are left with people telling you, “life moves on” and no one telling you, “Let’s just pause it here!