I don’t know that he said a thing. He smelled strange, I noticed that right away, not rotten like you and Roticella said, more complicated, like an apple that the wasps are flying around, musty, but autumny… I can’t explain. But he hissed, and those awful red eyes, like red fire, coals. God, they were anything but dead the way they are in his picture. I could see the iris was dark brown, almost black, and the whites were bloodshot lines… The lashes were thick and Harry I just can’t say this right, but the eyes, they weren’t repulsive. Evil, evil, but not to turn you away. I… I couldn’t stop looking at him. It was like some sort of spider sucking out all my juices. Destroying me right there on the sidewalk.’And I felt I was going to faint, and I tried, I tried to break out of that stare of his, but I couldn’t. He was drawing everything out of me – my job, that you were trying to trap him, even things about me, even personal things. Then… then he was gone.’I was conscious of myself again, it was like I had been left hollow, worthless. I mean something of me went with him and the rest of me wanted to go with him. I’m ashamed, Harry, so ashamed…’ She sobbed for a moment, then with difficulty regained her control.

I don’t know that he said a thing. He smelled strange, I noticed that right away, not rotten like you and Roticella said, more complicated, like an apple that the wasps are flying around, musty, but autumny… I can’t explain. But he hissed, and those awful red eyes, like red fire, coals. God, they were anything but dead the way they are in his picture. I could see the iris was dark brown, almost black, and the whites were bloodshot lines… The lashes were thick and Harry I just can’t say this right, but the eyes, they weren’t repulsive. Evil, evil, but not to turn you away. I… I couldn’t stop looking at him. It was like some sort of spider sucking out all my juices. Destroying me right there on the sidewalk.’And I felt I was going to faint, and I tried, I tried to break out of that stare of his, but I couldn’t. He was drawing everything out of me – my job, that you were trying to trap him, even things about me, even personal things. Then… then he was gone.’I was conscious of myself again, it was like I had been left hollow, worthless. I mean something of me went with him and the rest of me wanted to go with him. I’m ashamed, Harry, so ashamed…’ She sobbed for a moment, then with difficulty regained her control.