Have you ever done something so far out of your normal behavior that it was freeing?” She wouldn’t plead, but she wasn’t above a little coercion. She whispered into his ear and gave the lobe a quick nibble. “I mean. We’re stuck here together. I like you a lot and have talked to you more than anyone else in a long time. If this was a date I’d be thinking of letting you into my apartment for a nightcap or whatever it is people call it now. Want to throw morals and all that out the window for a little bit?

Have you ever done something so far out of your normal behavior that it was freeing?” She wouldn’t plead, but she wasn’t above a little coercion. She whispered into his ear and gave the lobe a quick nibble. “I mean. We’re stuck here together. I like you a lot and have talked to you more than anyone else in a long time. If this was a date I’d be thinking of letting you into my apartment for a nightcap or whatever it is people call it now. Want to throw morals and all that out the window for a little bit?