We all have that divine moment, when our lives are transformed by the knowledge of the truth.
About The Quote
- Belief
- Believers
- Believers In God
- Born Again
- Calling People
- Church
- Divine
- Educational Philosophy
- Faith
- Fate
- Favour
- God
- Gods Sovereignty
- Gospel
- Gospel Truth
- Grace
- Knoweledge
- Knowledge Wisdom
- Leaders
- Leadership
- Lessons Learnt
- Life
- Life And Living
- Life Philosophy
- Lives
- Mission
- Moments
- People
- Philosophical
- Philosophy Of Life
- Positive Thinking
- Rebirth
- Saved By Grace
- Seeker Sensitive
- Seeking God
- Seeking Truth
- Self Realization
- Spiritual
- Spiritual Life
- Spirituality
- Transformation
- Transformation Spirituality
- Truth
- Uplifting