(…) It is far from being true that all Women want courage, strength, or conduct to lead an army to triumph; any more than it is that all Men are endow’d with them. There are many of our sex as intrepid as the Men (…)Need I bring Amazons from Scythia to prove the courage of Women? Need I run to Italy for a Camilla to shew an instance of warlike courage? (…) other nations glory in their numberless stole of warlike Women. (…) But to pass over the many instances of warlike bravery in our sex, let it suffice to name a Boadicea, who made the most glorious stand against the Romans (…) and if her endeavours did not meet with the success of an Alexander, a Cæsar, or a Charles of Sweden, in his fortunate days, her courage and conduct were such, as render her worthy to be consider’d equal, if not superior, to them all, in bravery and wisdom (…)
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