You are not a small and unimportant creature confined to the form of this physical body, contrary to popular belief. At the core of your being you are pure awareness, and this awareness is the same source from which everything in the Universe arises, exists as, and returns to. Consciousness is the dimension of yourself that you have forgotten you are, and of which you long to return to.
About The Quote
- Acceptance
- Appreciation
- Awakening
- Awareness
- Awe
- Bliss
- Brahman
- Buddhism
- Compassion
- Connection
- Consciousness
- Emotional
- Emptiness
- Enjoy
- Enlightenment
- Evolution
- Existence
- Fear
- Forgiveness
- Form
- Formless
- Freedom
- God
- Gratitude
- Happiness
- Heart
- Hinduism
- Holographic Universe
- Illusion
- Interconnection
- Journey
- Joy
- Life
- Love
- Maya
- Mental
- Mind
- Mystery
- Nature
- Nirvana
- Non Resistence
- Nonduality
- Now
- Oneness
- Path
- Peace
- Presence
- Reality
- Samadhi
- Self
- Self Acceptence
- Self Love
- Source
- Spirit
- Spiritual
- Spirituality
- Tantra
- Third Eye
- Truth
- Unity
- Universe
- Wisdom
- Within
- Zen