— Do they know? That you’re gay?— Why waste their time with it? It’s not like it’ll ever be an issue anyway.— Yeah, but, it’s who you are, right?— I guess so, — he said. — I don’t really know how to be any way else.— When did you know?— I was twelve, maybe. Something I just knew one day, even though I hadn’t known it the day before.— So it’s like that, huh? A feeling? Not just being into other dudes?— Oh no, it’s that too. Of course it’s that. But it’s more, I think. Not so much a feeling as a fact, like having blue eyes or brown hair. It’s just maybe something you don’t discover until you’re ready to understand it better.— Like being straight, — she said. Only we don’t have to deal with all that closet bullshit.— Bingo, — he said.