It is acknowledged that father-daughter incest occurs on a large scale in the United States. Sexual abuse has now been included in child abuse legislation. A conservative estimate is that more than 1 million women have been sexually victimized by their fathers or other male relatives, but the true figure probably is much higher. Many victims still fear reporting incest, and families continued to collude to keep the situation secret. Issues of family privacy and autonomy remain troublesome even when incest is reported and must be resolved for treatment to be effective. ” Mary de Chesnay J. Psychosoc. Nurs. Med. Health Sep. 22:9-16 Sept 1984 reprinted in Talbott’s 1986 edition
About The Quote
- Abusive Family
- Abusive Father
- Bystanders
- Child Rape
- Child Sexual Abuse
- Childhood Abuse
- Childhood Sexual Abuse
- Collusion
- Condoning
- Crime
- Dysfunctional Families
- Dysfunctional Mother
- Father Daughter Incest
- Fear
- Ignoring Issues
- Incest
- Interference
- Law
- Legislation
- Male Dominance
- Pedophile Protectors
- Privacy
- Secrecy
- Secrets
- Sexual Abuse
- Sexual Abuse Of A Child
- Shame
- Society Problem
- Unacknowledged
- Victims