Oof!” Adam caught me all right, with the side of his head. I could tell by the feel of his skull on my foot as I kicked him. He grabbed me the best he could anyway, and we half landed, half fell in the pine needles.He lay facedown on the ground. I flopped him over on his back to make sure he was alive. If he had a concussion, we’d have to call the ambulance, which meant we’d get caught and he’d get sent to military school.On the bright side, maybe the military school would not take him if he had brain damage.”I’m so sorry.””Worth it,” he grunted. He rolled onto his feet like a ninja and grabbed my hand. “Hurry, before they release the hounds.

Oof!” Adam caught me all right, with the side of his head. I could tell by the feel of his skull on my foot as I kicked him. He grabbed me the best he could anyway, and we half landed, half fell in the pine needles.He lay facedown on the ground. I flopped him over on his back to make sure he was alive. If he had a concussion, we’d have to call the ambulance, which meant we’d get caught and he’d get sent to military school.On the bright side, maybe the military school would not take him if he had brain damage.”I’m so sorry.””Worth it,” he grunted. He rolled onto his feet like a ninja and grabbed my hand. “Hurry, before they release the hounds.