Much, much later. when I am back home and being treated for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). I will be enabled to see what was going on in my mind immediately after 11 August.I am still capable of operating mechanically as a soldier in these following days. But operating mechanically as a soldier is now all I am capable of.Martin says he is worried about me. He says I have the thousand-yard stare’.Of course, I cannot see this stare. But by now we both have more than an idea what it means.So, among all the soldiers here, this is nothing to be ashamed of. But as it really does just go with the territory we find ourselves in. it is just as equally not a badge of h
About The Quote
- Acute Stress Reaction
- Army
- Army In Afghanistan
- Army Quote
- Automaton
- Casualty Of War
- Combat Ptsd
- Crock Of Shit
- Dead Inside
- Depersonalised
- Depersonalization
- Depersonalized
- Detached
- Dissociated State
- Dissociative
- Dumb
- Emotionless
- Flashback
- Flashbacks
- Idolisation
- Idolized
- Mechanical
- Military
- Military Psychiatry
- Military Quote
- Naive
- Naive Soul
- No Longer Human
- Nothingness
- Numb
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Posttraumatic
- Posttraumatic Stress
- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
- Ptsd
- Robotic
- Soldier
- Stare
- Thousand Yard Stare
- Traumatic Stress
- Traumatized
- True Warrior
- Unemotional
- Warrior
- Warrior Qoutes
- Wounded Warriors