The concept of leadership is abused by people who think a person becomes a leader when he grows grey hair, put into a position and expected to function. Everyone has a leadership potential carried within in a specific area of his or purpose. Leadership is universal and built on trust.
About The Quote
- Abuse
- Appoint
- Appointed
- Appointment
- Commander
- Elect
- Elected
- Election
- Entrone
- Examplary
- Example
- Faithful
- Faithfully
- Father
- Followers
- Function
- Grey Hair
- Honest
- Honesty
- Human Being
- Human Face
- Influence
- Inspire
- Integrity
- Israelmore Ayivor
- Lead
- Lead People
- Leader
- Leaders
- Leadership
- Leadership Qualities
- Manager
- Officer
- Opinion
- Ordain
- Pastor
- Popular Opinion
- Position
- Potential
- Purpose
- Qualities
- Self Leaders
- Self Leadership
- Self Made
- Servant
- Sincere
- Sincerity
- Teacher
- True Leader
- True Leaders
- True Leadership
- Truthful
- Truthfulness
- Universal