I gave her the world, the moon, the sun, the stars, the planets… I gave her my breath, my voice, my sight, my life… I gave her memories, dreams, happiness… I gave her care and compassion… I gave her everything… and with sickly curved words, venom dripping from her fingers, she whispered in a way that would shatter glass… between her poisonous lips and her barbed teeth, she told me a story of blackness and catastrophe… from her mind a story of corruption and infamy sprang, her first touch an eternal perversion of my vision of life, an absolute seduction from the face of unbearable desire herself… the chills of a dead soul are frosty, a clouded layer of ash fills my insides, specks of dust fill my veins, empty thoughts smother my mind… and in the final steps of our pitifully destructive dance, I will dip you low, caress you so closely, feel the softness of your neck with the skin of my lips and, for that single moment, lost in the promise in your eyes and the intoxicating scent of your taunt body, I saw a sort of perfection that in any other place and light I would only hopelessly attempt to imagine… a horribly curious vividly creative swirl of chaos and flesh eating light, a specter of glow, paint and sound whose first inhalation is the slow quiver of last exhale, my exhale, my final whisper… I only wish I could have done more… but so impossible was it to resist what made her, her…

I gave her the world, the moon, the sun, the stars, the planets… I gave her my breath, my voice, my sight, my life… I gave her memories, dreams, happiness… I gave her care and compassion… I gave her everything… and with sickly curved words, venom dripping from her fingers, she whispered in a way that would shatter glass… between her poisonous lips and her barbed teeth, she told me a story of blackness and catastrophe… from her mind a story of corruption and infamy sprang, her first touch an eternal perversion of my vision of life, an absolute seduction from the face of unbearable desire herself… the chills of a dead soul are frosty, a clouded layer of ash fills my insides, specks of dust fill my veins, empty thoughts smother my mind… and in the final steps of our pitifully destructive dance, I will dip you low, caress you so closely, feel the softness of your neck with the skin of my lips and, for that single moment, lost in the promise in your eyes and the intoxicating scent of your taunt body, I saw a sort of perfection that in any other place and light I would only hopelessly attempt to imagine… a horribly curious vividly creative swirl of chaos and flesh eating light, a specter of glow, paint and sound whose first inhalation is the slow quiver of last exhale, my exhale, my final whisper… I only wish I could have done more… but so impossible was it to resist what made her, her…