Well, anyhow, the practical outcome of all these damn democratic ideas, is that men of our quality — yes, damn it! we have a quality — excuse themselves from the hard and thankless service they owe — not to the crowd, Dick, but to the race. (Much good it will do is to shirk like that in the long run.) We will not presume, we say, no. We shrug our shoulders and leave the geese, the hungry sheep, the born followers, call them what you will, to the leaders who haven’t our scruples. The poor muts swallow those dead old religions no longer fit for human consumption, and we say ‘let ’em.’ They devour their silly newspapers. They let themselves be distracted from public affairs by games, by gambling, by shows and coronations and every soft of mass stupidity, while the stars in their courses plot against them. We say nothing. Nothing audible. We mustn’t destroy the simple faith that is marching them to disaster. We mustn’t question their decisions. That wouldn’t be democratic. And then we sit here and say privately that the poor riff-raff are failing to adapt themselves to those terrible new conditions — as if they had had half a chance of knowing how things stand with them. They are shoved about by patriotisms, by obsolete religious prejudices, by racial delusions, by incomprehensible economic forces. Amid a growth of frightful machinery…

Well, anyhow, the practical outcome of all these damn democratic ideas, is that men of our quality — yes, damn it! we have a quality — excuse themselves from the hard and thankless service they owe — not to the crowd, Dick, but to the race. (Much good it will do is to shirk like that in the long run.) We will not presume, we say, no. We shrug our shoulders and leave the geese, the hungry sheep, the born followers, call them what you will, to the leaders who haven’t our scruples. The poor muts swallow those dead old religions no longer fit for human consumption, and we say ‘let ’em.’ They devour their silly newspapers. They let themselves be distracted from public affairs by games, by gambling, by shows and coronations and every soft of mass stupidity, while the stars in their courses plot against them. We say nothing. Nothing audible. We mustn’t destroy the simple faith that is marching them to disaster. We mustn’t question their decisions. That wouldn’t be democratic. And then we sit here and say privately that the poor riff-raff are failing to adapt themselves to those terrible new conditions — as if they had had half a chance of knowing how things stand with them. They are shoved about by patriotisms, by obsolete religious prejudices, by racial delusions, by incomprehensible economic forces. Amid a growth of frightful machinery…