English children have lost their innocence, for their first lessons have been in the exploitation of their adult slave. A sterilized parent is a eunuch in his children’s haremm. to be sure, I recognize that efficient contraception is necessary for sexual pleasure, and that sexual pleasure is necessary, but contraception for economic reasons is another matter. ‘We can only afford two children’ is a squalid argument, but more acceptable in our society than ‘we don’t like children’. A sterilized parent is forever bound to those children he has, more than ever immobile and predictable, and those children are more securely bound to him. ‘We can only afford two children’ really means, ‘We only like clean, well-discipline middle-class children who grow up to be professionals’, for children manage to use up all the capital that is made available for that purpose, whatever proportion it may be of the family’s whole income, just as housework expands to fill the time available. The sterilized parent is the ultimate domestic animal.

English children have lost their innocence, for their first lessons have been in the exploitation of their adult slave. A sterilized parent is a eunuch in his children’s haremm. to be sure, I recognize that efficient contraception is necessary for sexual pleasure, and that sexual pleasure is necessary, but contraception for economic reasons is another matter. ‘We can only afford two children’ is a squalid argument, but more acceptable in our society than ‘we don’t like children’. A sterilized parent is forever bound to those children he has, more than ever immobile and predictable, and those children are more securely bound to him. ‘We can only afford two children’ really means, ‘We only like clean, well-discipline middle-class children who grow up to be professionals’, for children manage to use up all the capital that is made available for that purpose, whatever proportion it may be of the family’s whole income, just as housework expands to fill the time available. The sterilized parent is the ultimate domestic animal.