Think of the end when you begin! Though the end may not be all that certain, you are sure of getting something, mostly and surprisingly, above the target in the end! Bind yourself to Persistence and tenacity, courage and vigor, Wisdom and faith, and dare unrelentingly! Sometimes it is never okay to feel okay at all. Some shall continue to feel okay until they meet what would tell them what they could have done whilst feeling okay! So it was in the days of the Fig tree. It thought portraying its flourishing leaves would have pleased Jesus Christ but Jesus needed a fruit! We are all having flourishing leaves (life,) but think of the fruits we must bear (living) when it is time to bear them, in season and out of season! May enough be enough and when you feel you have had enough, may you be pushed by enough to go beyond enough and dare to live a distinctive footprint! It all begins with a step and ends with a step! Start your day with vigor and an utmost tenacity and end your day with something! Be poised to do something distinctive each day for that is all life is about! Life is an adventurous journey and you cannot forever skip mistakes but if you make a mistake, learn from the mistake, do something with the mistake and avoid that mistake happening again and you least did made a mistake! You only took a different root than the usual to your final destination. The meaning we have given to words is what makes words have meaning! Breathe whilst you have breath and do something with the air you breathe whilst you have breath!

Think of the end when you begin! Though the end may not be all that certain, you are sure of getting something, mostly and surprisingly, above the target in the end! Bind yourself to Persistence and tenacity, courage and vigor, Wisdom and faith, and dare unrelentingly! Sometimes it is never okay to feel okay at all. Some shall continue to feel okay until they meet what would tell them what they could have done whilst feeling okay! So it was in the days of the Fig tree. It thought portraying its flourishing leaves would have pleased Jesus Christ but Jesus needed a fruit! We are all having flourishing leaves (life,) but think of the fruits we must bear (living) when it is time to bear them, in season and out of season! May enough be enough and when you feel you have had enough, may you be pushed by enough to go beyond enough and dare to live a distinctive footprint! It all begins with a step and ends with a step! Start your day with vigor and an utmost tenacity and end your day with something! Be poised to do something distinctive each day for that is all life is about! Life is an adventurous journey and you cannot forever skip mistakes but if you make a mistake, learn from the mistake, do something with the mistake and avoid that mistake happening again and you least did made a mistake! You only took a different root than the usual to your final destination. The meaning we have given to words is what makes words have meaning! Breathe whilst you have breath and do something with the air you breathe whilst you have breath!