Why, you’ll be ‘changed, m’dear. We’ll just swap you for a human child who’ll make a good servant to the Band. Half Humans never work out ‘mongst the Folk. No, never do.””But–I’m half Folk too… What if I never work out ‘mongst the humans?””Aye, you’re neither one thing nor yet quite t’other. Pity, but there ’tis.

Why, you’ll be ‘changed, m’dear. We’ll just swap you for a human child who’ll make a good servant to the Band. Half Humans never work out ‘mongst the Folk. No, never do.””But–I’m half Folk too… What if I never work out ‘mongst the humans?””Aye, you’re neither one thing nor yet quite t’other. Pity, but there ’tis.