They’ll say you are bador perhaps you are mador at least you should stay undercover.Your mind must be bareif you would dareto think you can love more than one lover.
About The Quote
- Agape
- Believe
- Betrayal
- Break Up
- Broken
- Cheat
- Cheater
- Cheating
- Closet
- Commitment
- Communication
- Consent
- Control
- Cry
- Depressed
- Desire
- Dirty
- Divorce
- Divorced
- Dream
- Empowering
- End
- Ended
- Eros
- Family
- Fear
- Feelings
- Feminism
- Forever
- Freedom
- Friends
- Friendship
- Gone
- Happiness
- Heartbreak
- Heartbroken
- Hearts
- Honesty
- Horny
- Human
- Humanity
- Hurt
- Infidelity
- Jealousy
- Jerk
- Keep
- Keeper
- Keepers
- Live
- Lost
- Lovers
- Monogamy
- Nasty
- Need
- Nonmonogamy
- Pain
- Partners
- Peace
- Plural
- Polyamory
- Polyandry
- Polycule
- Polygamy
- Polygyny
- Possessive
- Quad
- Queer
- Real
- Relationship
- Respect
- Romantic
- Sad
- Share
- Sharing
- Slut
- Sluts
- Sorrow
- Spice
- Spouse
- Stay
- Suffering
- Sweet
- Sweethearts
- Swinging
- Team
- Threesome
- Time
- Triad
- Trouble
- Truth
- Undercover
- Unfaithful
- Unicorn
- Unity
- Valentine
- Valentines
- Value
- Wisdom
- Wishes
- Yolo