We recognize that you’ve used substances to try to regain your lost balance, to try to feel the way you did before the need arose to use addictive drugs or alcohol. We know that you use substances to alter your mood, to cover up your sadness, to ease your heartbreak, to lighten your stress load, to blur your painful memories, to escape your hurtful reality, or to make your unbearable days or nights bearable.
About The Quote
- Addiction And Recovery
- Addiction Cure
- Addiction Treatment Center
- Alcohol Abuse
- Chris Prentiss
- Dependency
- Drug Abuse
- Heartache
- Heartbreak
- Holistic Health
- Holistic Rehab
- Holistic Therapy
- Holistic Treatment
- Holistic Treatment Center
- Life
- Live
- Memories
- Non 12 Step
- Pain
- Passages Malibu
- Passages Ventura
- Pax Prentiss
- Sadness
- Substance Abuse
- Survival