Time is the only magic, he said, “And Marids swim through time like the sea. Think: if you hurt yourself, and I bandage it, and after weeks and weeks it gets well and there’s no scar, that’s not magic at all. But if you hurt yourself and I touch you and it heals in a moment, you’d call me magic before your skin closed. It’s not magic to cook a feast, roasting and baking and frying for hours, but if you blink and it’s steaming in front of you, it’s a spell. If you work for what you want and save for it and plan it out just as precisely as you possibly can, it’s not even surprising if you get it on the other side of a month or a year. But if you snap your fingers and it happens as soon as you want t, every wizard will want to know you socially. If you life straight through a hundred years and watch yourself unfold at one second per second, one hour per hour, that’s just being alive. If you go faster, you’re a time traveler. If you jump over your unfolding and see how it all comes out, that’s fate. But’s all healing and cooking and planning and living, just the same. The only difference is time.

Time is the only magic, he said, “And Marids swim through time like the sea. Think: if you hurt yourself, and I bandage it, and after weeks and weeks it gets well and there’s no scar, that’s not magic at all. But if you hurt yourself and I touch you and it heals in a moment, you’d call me magic before your skin closed. It’s not magic to cook a feast, roasting and baking and frying for hours, but if you blink and it’s steaming in front of you, it’s a spell. If you work for what you want and save for it and plan it out just as precisely as you possibly can, it’s not even surprising if you get it on the other side of a month or a year. But if you snap your fingers and it happens as soon as you want t, every wizard will want to know you socially. If you life straight through a hundred years and watch yourself unfold at one second per second, one hour per hour, that’s just being alive. If you go faster, you’re a time traveler. If you jump over your unfolding and see how it all comes out, that’s fate. But’s all healing and cooking and planning and living, just the same. The only difference is time.