Cat’s brows shot up as Lucas slid the plate across the counter. “I’m impressed. I wouldn’t have assumed you ate real food much less cooked it,” she teased.t”I’m curious, what did you think I ate?” he asked as he grabbed a fork and a knife for her.tShe smiled. “I don’t know, bats… small critters you happen upon in the underworld.”tLucas handed her a napkin. “Nah, bats don’t really have that much meat on them,” he retorted with a grin of his own.

Cat’s brows shot up as Lucas slid the plate across the counter. “I’m impressed. I wouldn’t have assumed you ate real food much less cooked it,” she teased.t”I’m curious, what did you think I ate?” he asked as he grabbed a fork and a knife for her.tShe smiled. “I don’t know, bats… small critters you happen upon in the underworld.”tLucas handed her a napkin. “Nah, bats don’t really have that much meat on them,” he retorted with a grin of his own.