…gripping the rim of the sink you claw your way to stand and cling there, quaking with will, on heron legs, and still the hot muck pours out of you. (p. 27)
About The Quote
- Alcoholism
- Barbara Blatner
- Cancer
- Colon Cancer
- Conflict
- Daughters
- Death
- Death And Daughters
- Death And Dying
- Death And Love
- Death And Sickness
- Death And Son
- Death Of A Loved One
- Dying
- Dying At Home
- Grief
- Grieving
- Grieving The Loss Of A Mother
- Hate
- Healing
- Life
- Love
- Memoir
- Memoirs
- Mother
- Mountains
- New York
- New York Quarterly
- Poem
- Poems
- Poetry
- Son
- Verse
- Verse Memoir
- Verses