oh. she heard it too-no waters coursing, canyon empty, sun soundless- and the beast your life nowhere hiding (p. 103)
About The Quote
- Alcoholism
- Barbara Blatner
- Cancer
- Colon Cancer
- Conflict
- Daughters
- Death
- Death And Daughters
- Death And Dying
- Death And Love
- Death And Sickness
- Death And Son
- Death Of A Loved One
- Dying
- Dying At Home
- Grief
- Grieving
- Grieving The Loss Of A Mother
- Hate
- Healing
- Letting Go
- Life
- Love
- Love And Hate
- Memoir
- Memoirs
- Mother
- Mountains
- New York
- New York Quarterly
- Poem
- Poems
- Poetry
- Son
- Soul Searching
- Verse
- Verse Memoir
- Verses