No matter what you desire to be or see, contemplate / meditate upon the idea of there being an unlimited abundance of it. Your belief is scarcity and limitation regarding your desire is keeping it from you. How you define something is how it must appear. Faith in abundance draws things to you, your faith in lack / limitation takes away what you already have. ( Instagram: #aMessageOfLove )
About The Quote
- Abraham Hicks
- Abundance Creation
- Author Stephen Richards
- Cosmic
- Cosmic Ordering
- Focus
- Goal Setting
- Happiness
- Law Of Attraction
- Law Of Attraction Quotes
- Life Changing
- Manifestation
- Manifesting
- Millionaire Mindset
- Mind Body Spirit
- Mind Power
- Money
- Motivation
- New Age
- New Thought
- Opportunity
- Positive Thinking
- Positive Thoughts
- Positivity
- Self Belief
- Self Growth
- Self Help
- Self Help Book
- Self Improvement
- Self Motivation
- Self Realization
- Spiritual
- Spirituality
- Success
- Synchronicity
- Visualisation
- Wealth Creation