As a demigod – Fen cleared his throat – “I am flush with power. My power can be transformed into the kind of energy you need to feed.” As he spoke, his eyes sparked with something feral that sent shivers racing down my spine. “It can happen from touch, kissing, but the greatest source is during the act of…”tOhmygodsinheaven.t”Sex? Are you referring to sex?”…t”My power becomes concentrated for… a very brief moment. It’s all about the transfer of energy from one body to another.” He looked wildly uncomfortable. “All who live in Asgard know this already. I’ve never had to explain it to someone.”tHis semen packs a punch?

As a demigod – Fen cleared his throat – “I am flush with power. My power can be transformed into the kind of energy you need to feed.” As he spoke, his eyes sparked with something feral that sent shivers racing down my spine. “It can happen from touch, kissing, but the greatest source is during the act of…”tOhmygodsinheaven.t”Sex? Are you referring to sex?”…t”My power becomes concentrated for… a very brief moment. It’s all about the transfer of energy from one body to another.” He looked wildly uncomfortable. “All who live in Asgard know this already. I’ve never had to explain it to someone.”tHis semen packs a punch?