I’d rather you wanted to make love,’ said Dernhil, smiling crookedly. ‘That was my first thought, when you barged in here. I could easily refuse that.”It’s a much lesser question,’ said Cadvan gravely. Then he gave Dernhil a sharp look. ‘Would you really refuse me?”Probably.’ Dernhil’s eyes brimmed with sudden laughter. ‘Honestly, Cadvan, have you no grace? What a thing to ask!’Cadvan’s rare smile leapt in his face. ‘It occurs to me that I might love you well enough.’Dernhil looked briefly astonished. ‘And to think that all these years I thought you hated me!’ he said lightly. ‘You know I don’t hate you,’ said Cadvan. ‘I think you know I never did. Nor you me. And you, maybe more than anyone else I know, understands that there are many kinds of love.’ He gestured impatiently. ‘That’s not what I’m asking, anyway.”I know.’ Dernhil met his gaze darkly. ‘Only you would demand such a thing, in the middle of the night, from me, of all people!”Yes,’ said Cadvan, a soft mockery in his voice. ‘From you, of all people!’Dernhil looked down at his hands and was silent for a time, thinking. Cadvan waited patiently, watching him. When Dernhil looked up, his face was open, and a smile lurked in the back of his eyes. ‘Perhaps I love you enough to scry you, Cadvan,’ he said. ‘And that is a great deal more than you deserve.’ p.146

I’d rather you wanted to make love,’ said Dernhil, smiling crookedly. ‘That was my first thought, when you barged in here. I could easily refuse that.”It’s a much lesser question,’ said Cadvan gravely. Then he gave Dernhil a sharp look. ‘Would you really refuse me?”Probably.’ Dernhil’s eyes brimmed with sudden laughter. ‘Honestly, Cadvan, have you no grace? What a thing to ask!’Cadvan’s rare smile leapt in his face. ‘It occurs to me that I might love you well enough.’Dernhil looked briefly astonished. ‘And to think that all these years I thought you hated me!’ he said lightly. ‘You know I don’t hate you,’ said Cadvan. ‘I think you know I never did. Nor you me. And you, maybe more than anyone else I know, understands that there are many kinds of love.’ He gestured impatiently. ‘That’s not what I’m asking, anyway.”I know.’ Dernhil met his gaze darkly. ‘Only you would demand such a thing, in the middle of the night, from me, of all people!”Yes,’ said Cadvan, a soft mockery in his voice. ‘From you, of all people!’Dernhil looked down at his hands and was silent for a time, thinking. Cadvan waited patiently, watching him. When Dernhil looked up, his face was open, and a smile lurked in the back of his eyes. ‘Perhaps I love you enough to scry you, Cadvan,’ he said. ‘And that is a great deal more than you deserve.’ p.146