Our greatest power as nations and individuals is not the ability to employ assault weapons, suicide bombers, and drones to destroy each other. The greater more creative powers with which we may arm ourselves are grace and compassion sufficient enough to love and save each other.
About The Quote
- Agape Love
- Assault Weapons
- Believing In Love
- Coexistence
- Compassion
- Creative Minds
- Creative Thinking
- Diversity
- Drones
- Empowerment And Attitude
- Ending Gun Violence
- Faith In Humanity
- Faith In Love
- Grace
- Great Power
- Gun Laws
- Gun Safety
- Indviduality
- Jihad
- Jihadism And Love
- Love For Humanity
- Nations
- Nonviolent Conflict Resolution
- Peacism
- People
- Philosophy Of Compassion
- Philosophy Of Grace
- Power
- Salvation
- Spirituality
- Suicide
- Suicide Bombers
- Sustainable Living
- Teaching Diversity
- Teaching Multiculturalism
- Waging Peace
- War
- Wisdom