Syn had to take his hand off Furi’s thigh so he could answer his cell phone. He saw it was Day and put it on speakerphone.“Yeah, Day. What’s the word?” Syn greeted, cutting right to chase on the decision of Furi’s protective order.“It’s done and I had Ruxs and Green serve it this afternoon.” Day’s grin could be heard through the phone.Syn and Furi turned and smiled at each other, remembering how intimidating those two detectives looked. There was no way Patrick and Brenden would want to go up against them. They were the muscle of the taskforce so Syn could only imagine how they served that order. Surely Furi’s ex was on the first thing smoking back to Charlotte.“Ask Furi if he’s gotten any phone calls from asshat today.”“Wait how’d you know he was even with me?” Syn glanced a look at the phone.Day pfftd. “Yeah right, just ask him.”Furi spoke up, his deep voice filling the small space of Syn’s truck. “No I haven’t. Thank you very much Day, I really appreciate your help man.”Day’s voice dropped a couple octaves and rumbled back through the speaker. “Call me Leo, darlin. And just how appreciative are you willing to be, Furious?”Click.Syn disconnected the call and tossed the phone into the console. Furi laughed so hard he had tears coming down his cheeks.

Syn had to take his hand off Furi’s thigh so he could answer his cell phone. He saw it was Day and put it on speakerphone.“Yeah, Day. What’s the word?” Syn greeted, cutting right to chase on the decision of Furi’s protective order.“It’s done and I had Ruxs and Green serve it this afternoon.” Day’s grin could be heard through the phone.Syn and Furi turned and smiled at each other, remembering how intimidating those two detectives looked. There was no way Patrick and Brenden would want to go up against them. They were the muscle of the taskforce so Syn could only imagine how they served that order. Surely Furi’s ex was on the first thing smoking back to Charlotte.“Ask Furi if he’s gotten any phone calls from asshat today.”“Wait how’d you know he was even with me?” Syn glanced a look at the phone.Day pfftd. “Yeah right, just ask him.”Furi spoke up, his deep voice filling the small space of Syn’s truck. “No I haven’t. Thank you very much Day, I really appreciate your help man.”Day’s voice dropped a couple octaves and rumbled back through the speaker. “Call me Leo, darlin. And just how appreciative are you willing to be, Furious?”Click.Syn disconnected the call and tossed the phone into the console. Furi laughed so hard he had tears coming down his cheeks.