Theistic claims that supernatural agency exists in the universe derive from ancient traditions of belief. The word ‘atheist’ is a theist’s term for a person who does not share such beliefs. Theists think that atheists have a belief or set of beliefs, just as theists do but in the opposite sense, about theism-related questions. This is a mistake; atheists certainly have beliefs about many things, but they are not ‘theistic-subject-matter-related beliefs’ in any but a single negative sense. For atheism is the absence of ‘theistic-subject-matter-related belief. Although it is true that ‘absence of belief in supernatural agency’ is functionally equivalent to ‘belief in the absence of supernatural agency’, theists concentrate on the latter formulation in order to make atheism a positive as opposed to privative thesis with regard to theistic-subject-matter-related matters. This is what makes theists think they are in a kind of belief football match, with opposing sets of beliefs vying for our allegiance. What is happening is that the theists are rushing about the park kicking the ball, but the atheists are not playing. They are not even on the field; they are in the stands, arguing that this particular game should not be taking place at all.

Theistic claims that supernatural agency exists in the universe derive from ancient traditions of belief. The word ‘atheist’ is a theist’s term for a person who does not share such beliefs. Theists think that atheists have a belief or set of beliefs, just as theists do but in the opposite sense, about theism-related questions. This is a mistake; atheists certainly have beliefs about many things, but they are not ‘theistic-subject-matter-related beliefs’ in any but a single negative sense. For atheism is the absence of ‘theistic-subject-matter-related belief. Although it is true that ‘absence of belief in supernatural agency’ is functionally equivalent to ‘belief in the absence of supernatural agency’, theists concentrate on the latter formulation in order to make atheism a positive as opposed to privative thesis with regard to theistic-subject-matter-related matters. This is what makes theists think they are in a kind of belief football match, with opposing sets of beliefs vying for our allegiance. What is happening is that the theists are rushing about the park kicking the ball, but the atheists are not playing. They are not even on the field; they are in the stands, arguing that this particular game should not be taking place at all.